
We have chosen for you

Your knees and joints in top shape

An effective natural solution for superior support and normal functioning of cartilage and bones. It contains CAVACURMIN® turmeric extract, Hyaluronic acid, silicon and vitamins D and C.

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Natural help for alleviating menopause symptoms

With the unique blend of ROYAL BALANCE™, BeeHarmony contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion, to emotional balance and normal psychological functioning. It also helps you sleep better and contributes to maintaining healthy bones and protecting cells from oxidative stress.

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Powered by bees, proven by science

Proven quality by Medex



years of tradition


unique products


international awards


of satisfied users


Why choose Medex?

A bee family is an extraordinary superorganism. Each member has a specific role, which has preserved this species for millions of years. Bees, these amazing beings, “invented” magnificent preparations, such as propolis, royal jelly, honey, bee pollen – which are beneficial for people as well –, in order to survive. A Slovenian saying goes: Follow the bees. This is also the genetic make-up of our company, which defines us and from which we draw inspiration for our work.
Tradition and the power of nature remain the source and inspiration for our work. We complement them with the verified quality of patented and standardised ingredients, the effects of which are proven by clinical studies, in the right doses and combinations. In Medex’s development laboratories a registered research team with 4 PhDs develops products that combine traditional use with clinically proven effects.
Medex products are based on standardised and controlled content of main active substances and high production standards with which we ensure their consistent quality. We also pay significant attention to selecting packaging and have been packing an increasing number of products in glass packaging in order to preserve the value and efficiency of natural active substances as best as possible and at the same to take better care for the environment.
Medex has been operating in a sustainable manner for decades. From a company, which established and developed beekeeping already in former Yugoslavia, grew an undertaking that is expanding beekeeping around the world. In this manner we are realising quite a few of the seventeen of Unesco’s sustainable goals: eliminating poverty, hunger, caring of the environment, empowering women. Indeed, beekeeping contributes to the achievement of all these goals.

Never run out of products by Medex

Minerals for normal growth and development of children
Did you know that 79% of preschool children do not have enough calcium? In the process of growing up, bones grow rapidly, so for proper bone development, children need higher calcium intakes than adults.
So how to get better skin, hair and nails?
Your well-being is always reflected in your appearance: loose and inelastic skin, brittle and thin hair, brittle nails... So how can you help yourself? Dietary supplements with the increasingly popular MSM can be of great help.

Bee products

Bee treasures for your health


Beauty and skin care

Discover natural products for your body


Vitamins and minerals

Highest quality vitamins and minerals


Your Medex #MedexLife
